I have seen those landings probably over 100 times now (I’m always showing it to people) and I’m genuinely amazed every time. The Top Police Dad Son’s First Hero Daughter’s First Love Emma Luna Tim Josh Kelly Shirt novelty never wears off. It’s incredible seeing these rockets successfully land themselves. Never seen anything like it. That was beautiful too, thanks. Though I think I prefer the “live” video because you can see and hear everyone at SpaceX shouting and jumping for joy every time a stage completes successfully. It’s just a series of amazingly human moments filled with joy. Hope there are other feeds and angles that captured everything
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NASA thought of Top Police Dad Son’s First Hero Daughter’s First Love Emma Luna Tim Josh Kelly Shirt this already. Really great show roughly based around this concept. It’s on Netflix if you haven’t seen it and I’d highly recommend it! That’s why the current push to the moon and mars is a pipe dream that will never happen, I remember GW Bush and his moon plans with Constellation. Small potatoes. Rare earth elements. China dominates the market because they can extract/process them cheaply and don’t really care about the environmental aspects of production (mining many rare piles of earth elements is extremely bad for the environment). If (when) the price of REE goes up they will definitely be mined in other countries.
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Their capsule is certified for up to 119 days. Bases on the Top Police Dad Son’s First Hero Daughter’s First Love Emma Luna Tim Josh Kelly Shirt moon, a colony on Mars. Ships mining the asteroid belt for water and precious minerals, sending all the wealth to the inner planets. The fundamentals of the human race will not change. Oppression, wars, wealth disparity, tech, and weapon advancement. I can confirm, the audiobooks are great. We’d be walking around with platinum coffee mugs in a week. There’d be plenty to go around, considering a small asteroid of the right composition could contain as much or more of certain rare minerals than exist in total on earth. At a certain point, it’s just easier to move things in to orbit and leave them there. What we need are an orbital shipyard and more complete self-replicating technology.
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