This was my favorite part. I didn’t know about it, and then there was this little purple sequin dragon floating around. Such a Top NASA SpaceX DM-2 First Crewed Flight Shirt serious, big emotional moment and that little bit of levity were great. Humans. They just said it’s a little stuffed apatosaurus! Their sons both love dinosaurs so they voted on the one to send up to space. I think his name is Tremor. Wait? They had a little dragon floating? So sad I missed that! I disconnected after they reached orbit and jettisoned the second stage. Damn. That’s awesome! Yeah, all motion is relative. Grandma in her scooter is actually moving at 1.3 million miles per hour when you account for our galaxy moving through space. Damn she’s gonna have a hard time staying within the atmosphere if the galaxy stops moving
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Cool! Thanks for the warning on the Top NASA SpaceX DM-2 First Crewed Flight Shirt speed too, now I’ll go in with the right expectations. I’m still interested because all launches look pretty much the same. Even the booster landings were totally incredible the first few times, but have become routine. I’ve never seen a live docking before. I’m a control engineer with some understanding of orbital mechanics. The maths is significantly harder than the launch. The documentaries that were released for the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 also showed really well how difficult docking can be… I guess that’s why they go slow.
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Lots of Top NASA SpaceX DM-2 First Crewed Flight Shirt amazing maths going on indeed.Massive props to you and the rest of the teams that have worked on the various falcon rockets and both of the Dragon vehicles! You guys truly rock. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and for bringing us closer to a truly glorious future. Actually, they were probably pretty calm. They’ve gone through hundreds of hours of training and simulations, and their minds were busy playing over all the possible contingencies for if something goes wrong. Ask an astronaut and they’ll probably tell you that watching a launch is more nerve-wracking than being in one!
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