It won’t. His supporters are already defending how he handled it. “What was he supposed to do, cause a panic?” Uhh, better than ignore Top Jeep Car Chicago Cubs Flag Shirt, or worse, claim it is a Democrat hoax until it spreads around the country. We don’t even know how bad it was because the FDA didn’t allow states and commercial labs to make their own tests. So now people legitimately are panicking. It’s mind-blowing that he can literally say “I take no responsibility” and that’s all somehow ok.
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He was right about his followers not caring if he shot someone in Top Jeep Car Chicago Cubs Flag Shirt. I’m sure it would be a “mean” liberal hoax journalist that asked him a softball question so he could reassure the nation. So I’m sure they had it coming. I have made several posts with links like above. Asked for input or for someone to refute me but they just downvote. I guess they don’t have any examples of how he handled it well so they just need to downvote and break quarantine to go get some tiki torches for their little march.
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For the record, I wasn’t a huge believer in-blown Keynesian economics in Top Jeep Car Chicago Cubs Flag Shirt. I thought his initial bailout packages were far too large and worried about the deficit they were creating. I admit I was wrong. And if he handled Ebola, or Zika, or any other disease by ignoring the CDC, ignoring the CDC’s foreign counterparts, and calling them a republican hoax that would be game over. I would not have supported anything else he did because that would highlight such gross incompetence and lack of leadership I would not have faith in his abilities to handle any other crisis.
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