High school teacher here. It’s the Top I’m Hopeless Awkward And Desperate For Love Shirt little (big?) things like this that make teaching fun and funny. She’s just trying to act seriously because she’s supposed to, but I’m sure she’s laughing about it now. I would be in the corner trying to hide because I’d be laughing too much. It’s all fun and games until someone needs new underwear after the Biggest Fart contest. “Yes, that’s right Mrs. Morrison. Johnny crapped his pants. Again. Please bring a change of clothes right away”.So once I had kiddo absolutely wreck their pants because they were having too much fun at school to remember to go. It’s actually a really common thing. The nurse was deep in children and couldn’t come to get him so he had to go on his own. Apparently you could smell it for hours.
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Or crap all over my floor. Ah, the joy of Top I’m Hopeless Awkward And Desperate For Love Shirt Edu. It’s actually a really common thing. The nurse was deep in children and couldn’t come to get him so he had to go on his own. Apparently you could smell it for hours. Or crap all over my floor. Ah, the joy of Edu. You’re reminding of the time some pranksters filled our 30’ high secondary school cafeteria ceiling with bobbing, bouncing, helium-filled condoms turned balloon – easily 200 of them up there. Walking into it and seeing my English teacher doing everything he could not crack up laughing was the best part! Most of the early 90’s Catholic school faculty were less than impressed. Right? It was actually a protest of sorts from students after attempts to have condom dispensers installed in the restrooms were predictably denied.
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Height of the AIDS epidemic and all, and several pregnant students already, but nope. Not happening. I totally agree with this. I worked in a Top I’m Hopeless Awkward And Desperate For Love Shirt inner-city school for disadvantaged youth between 16 – 24. Of course, years later, I still laugh at some of the things which happened during the decade I worked at that school. Something about ‘being the adult in the room’. A lot of aspects of teaching are about appearances rather than what actually is. But this is what school boards expect. my little sister’s senior class’ prank was to tie netting around a stairwell and fill it with balloons. She told me that a well-hated substitute with a real Professor Umbridge type personality (constantly smiling yet a total bitch) was exclaiming while popping balloons, “I did not get my masters degree for this!!” To which a student yelled back “apparently you did!” She was unhappy
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