This legit makes me want to cry. I’m a full-grown male adult off 35 years, and this breaks my heart. Dude I worked at a Fazolis in Centerville Ohio when I was in high school around 2003. I would make hundreds of Top I’m A Proud Dad Og A Freaking Awesome Nurse And Yes She Bought Me This Shirt garlic breadsticks at a time. He cursed out the hot goth chick who had been working there for years and I never went back. They reopened in Monroe County, just across the Michigan line from me in Toledo. Toledo was one of their original testing grounds when it first came out. At one point we had more restaurants per capita around the turn of the century (weird flex, I know). This is what most of the Rethuglican Trump Trash I’ve seen in the various photos of their screamfests look like.
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Even worse than that, there’s been a quiet war for decades with the Top I’m A Proud Dad Og A Freaking Awesome Nurse And Yes She Bought Me This Shirt Texas Board of Education as they use their power over textbook publishers to control the historical narrative for many states’ educations. When the GOP complains about school indoctrination, they are projecting – they do what they can to overturn facts that are the least bit uncomfortable and assume the rest of us operate similarly. I’m from Texas and I thought that was weird, I’ve never heard that in high school or college I wish there was some way to take them down a few dozen pegs and stuff them back into whatever backwater mudhole they crawled out of, but now that we live in a more connected world and they’re being fed a steady stream of propaganda custom made for morons, they’ve become extremely dangerous and may take down what’s left of our democracy sooner than later if something isn’t done. These “people” are the absolute worst.
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Really shows they are passionate and sincere about wanting to help Yep. They want to feel like brave freedom martyrs for a Top I’m A Proud Dad Og A Freaking Awesome Nurse And Yes She Bought Me This Shirt weekend, and they don’t deserve to get what they want. I can confirm it does appear that way to most of us. I think because, despite the UK government’s early failings, one thing they got right with the lockdown was the messaging. It’s not about saving yourself, it’s about saving other people’s lives and saving the NHS. It’s very simple and effective. It’s sad, but those of us on the left and the center (and the unicorns on the right that see how badly this is all going) need to disabuse ourselves of the notion that we are speaking with fellow adults or equals here. They exist solely to tear everything down out of nothing more than spite. That’s why I’m so angry and bitter.
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