No, I think I have it right. Tucker Carlson and his ilk would put lipstick on and pucker right up to polish alien knob if they thought it would get the Top I Turned Myself Into A Saiyan Morty I’m Kakarick Shirt money and/or influence with the new overlords. They are first and foremost bootlickers if there is any benefit to themselves. They don’t like immigrants just because they can’t get anything from immigrants. The part about immigrants isn’t necessarily true. They’re more than happy to exploit their labor and then deport them.I’d take it a step further and say they don’t even want to deport them, they just want them to be deportable because that creates peak exploitability. They want a bunch of people here that can get here easily but are not allowed to become citizens.
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A good chunk of Fox news would think a Top I Turned Myself Into A Saiyan Morty I’m Kakarick Shirt alien invasion means migrant caravan. Not anything from space. Hey, look at this alien thing that is unstoppable. We will make it a spectacle and make money … until it steals our white woman and wrecks shit because well that unstoppable thingy. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going out onto the sidewalk. I am dropping on my knees, and pledging my eternal soul to the thing that literally controls the fucking weather.No the aliens know to keep their distance.
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I mean, yeah. Any civilization that reaches space travel is going to need very robust cooperation skills. That requires critical thinking and empathy, traits that are antithetical to modern right-wing politics. They’d get here and essentially be liberals, preaching equality, both social and economic, global homogenization, and promoting scientific literacy. They would also actively contradict every religious person’s beliefs.No, they’d get here and 2/3 of Top I Turned Myself Into A Saiyan Morty I’m Kakarick Shirt the world would be immediately against them, no matter what they said or did. It makes sense why nobody would want to make contact, tbh. Humanity is still in its infancy. Thanks, conservatives!
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