Peter Jackson’s LOTR Was an The Best Kind Of Dad Raises A Stubborn Daughter But I Love Her I’m The Lucky One Because I Get To Be Her Dad Shirt Improbable Miracle, and We’re Lucky to Have It. I can confirm, I was called up for Uruk-Hai service. I had to get a few weeks off work along with half of the country. What a thrilling time. Well, the worth would recommend. It sucked. Some of us had worked as extras for years on the project and were told we had to follow orders from these 18yo army tossers. Just because some high up officers volunteered half of Waiouru for free. The thing about The Hobbit trilogy everyone forgets is that at the last minute Del Toro quit the project and Peter Jackson was called in to save the day. Unlike the LOTR trilogy, he didn’t have the luxury of a couple of years in pre-production.
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Yeah, he had basically no time to prep, whereas later they had years of The Best Kind Of Dad Raises A Stubborn Daughter But I Love Her I’m The Lucky One Because I Get To Be Her Dad Shirt prep time. I think it was a mistake to go to 3 films and create even more filler, but having zero lead time makes it seem like the whole thing was doomed from the start. I always think, if they had taken more time to prep (assuming they didn’t start earlier) Christopher lee wouldn’t have been alive anymore. Thus I prefer it this way. As much as I want a “redo/remake” of the hobbit movies – I think the cast is irreplaceable. Martin Freeman was the perfect Bilbo Baggins and would hate to see anyone else in the role. When you remove everything that’s not canon, yeah it’s a pretty great movie. They cast it well and Tolkien wrote a great adventure story. There’s a reason that Tolkien cut the wizards’ drama in the forest and kept the story focused on the Dwarves. (That’s all from his papers/notes)
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I know it’s a The Best Kind Of Dad Raises A Stubborn Daughter But I Love Her I’m The Lucky One Because I Get To Be Her Dad Shirt joke, but calling Sam and Frodo gay really just betrays a resistance to the portrayal of a meaningful, emotionally vulnerable male friendship. It’s also inaccurate. PJ made their relationship homoerotic in the movie. In the book, it comes off much less like that and more like a terrible slog to hell. I do not think Frodo saved the trilogy, I think it is one of the worst aspects of the adaptation. Also, the score from Howard Shore was the LOTR level. The Laketown, Smaug, and Tauriel music real standouts to me. I love all the Hobbit movies a lot and that’s probably the one thing I really dislike.
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