- Because he actually wants to help poor people. The corporate Terrific The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 Shirt Dems can’t have that. Look at how Nancy Pelosi talks about AOC. Nothing but shady rude comments. What party is Terrific The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 shirt Bernie still a part of? I don’t remember Bernie resigning from the party. In fact, he endorsed Biden. If you have a love for Bernie, maybe listen to what he says. What exactly is the Republican’s relief plan to help American citizens? I’ve seen the democrats get shot down by Republicans. My commentary only seems politicized because one of The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 Shirt side is the problem. Economies in general can’t handle lockdowns. The EU did a much better job than us in the initial wave. But they are just feeling the pain we had in May and June in cases in September. They might try another major lockdown, but I don’t know they get people to lock down another 6 months.
- Aye, a perfect example of why we should blame systems and not individuals here the fact. That this is a dilemma in the first place is incredibly damning of the way the US government is set up. In any reasonable scenario. We Terrific The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 shirt would have a complete lockdown sustained with adequate government support for all. I’d be surprised if that increase in the deficit would even be that much worse for The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 Shirt economy than what we’re doing now. Kidding. Covidscolds honestly The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 Shirt pisses me off more than anti-maskers. I bet of them have the Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 Shirt normal behaviors that put others at risk of speeding. Smoking in public areas, going back to work before they’ve recovered from the flu. But this disease has become a virtue signal competition for everyone to brag about how they go to bed with their mask on. Not a covid hoaxer or anything like that.
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- That is exactly what it is. This generation can’t be bothered to Terrific The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 Shirt wear a condom, exercise 1x a week, or even eat a vegetable. But they want people to believe they give Ketel One Vodka Helping Me Survive Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt about their health. Where you located? I wear a mask, wash my hands, social distance. Some of the people on here are so dramatic. If you don’t live like a complete hermit/recluse 20934823 people will die! Murderer! Yes. I stay inside, work from home, stay six feet away from people, and wear masks when I go out. When I see someone, not The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 Shirt wearing a mask, I simply acknowledge their choice. I say this as someone who wears a mask when I go out and who will get the vaccine. Applied for unemployment, denied because my 30k a year graduate student stipend I receive as payment for research is excluded for wages. Fine. Apparently, I was eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. Had a go at that.
- I don’t go on Twitter and try to get retweets talking about how close to death I came. To be fair the people saying they should lock down are probably generally the same people saying there should be social safety nets. Those people are, no Terrific The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 shirt question about it. But when I think shut down, I’d think we’d have an emergency relief to take care of the majority of this country. Not happening this The Dadalorian In Galaxy 4 Shirt year though. Most people sensible enough to want to stop the virus from infecting literally everyone is going to be sensible enough to support financial aid from the government. This 100%. Even the social safety nets that do exist have failed me. I graduated into covid with my Ph.D., had a temporary job lined up in March at the University. Covid happened job got canceled. Denied because I might qualify for regular unemployment insurance which I literally just had been denied for a month prior. So I appealed the decision.
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