If by any chance, one of the panes were to break or crack, the weight of the water and power of the flow would trigger a massive waterfall, pulling anyone inside down with it. Cool, Swimming If You Think You Try Doing It While Holding Your Breath Vintage Shirt. I would guess that if you build something like this, you have to have it inspected pretty regularly. Swim with a parachute. Not that it’ll help because of the entire pool full of water you’ll be sucked down. Having seen pictures of these in the past. I always thought they looked super cool and thought I definitely wanted to experience one. This makes my skin crawl every time I see it and I’ve jumped out of a plane, run off the side of a mountain, etc. But nope, this video makes me really uncomfortable.
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There is no way in hell I will ever get in one of these things. All I keep thinking about when I rewatch it is that even if you’re just on the first step farthest from the edge, you’re still gonna end up a meat splatter on the street below Swimming If You Think You Try Doing It While Holding Your Breath Vintage Shirt. They use the same glass as aquariums that hold whales and stuff. If it can survive being charged at by a whale it’ll probably survive your mum standing on it. Tempered glass doesn’t really lose strength over time; it doesn’t rust, corrodes, or anything like that.
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