- Census a Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt Bureau’s measure of median household income reached $59,039 in 2016. That was $2,963 more in “real” (inflation-adjusted) dollars than in 2008, for an overall gain of 5.3 percent. The median figure represents the midpoint – half of all households earned more, half less. And while real median income hit a record level in Obama’s final year, it was a long, rough road to the Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt top. There’s no way to calculate the average eye height of the lookouts of all the ships at Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt sea (and not every ship will have a lookout at all), not to mention who’s carrying what binoculars, so this business quickly gets rather silly, but if we assume,
- say, a Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt ship can watch a circle of the ocean a mile in diameter (area 3.14 miles) for sea serpents, and there are 50,000 ships with lookouts, then you get a figure of 157,000 square miles being observed. If there are 139 million square miles of ocean, then 1/874th (0.1129 percent) of the surface would be under observation, and a population of 1,000 seas Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt serpents showing themselves for, say, five percent of their time at the surface (it could be far lower), 20 might be visible somewhere, and if they are identifiable in an area of 3.14 square miles, you get an area of 62.8 square miles, or 1/221338 the area of the sea (or 0.0005 %)
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- showing a Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirts sea serpents at any time, and if you try to calculate the likelihood of these areas intersecting the other the math goes from extremely hypothetical to absurd (any readers care to take a crack at it?). Actually, it’s worse than this: half the time it’s dark, a considerable percentage of the time there is a sea state that makes identification harder, or it’s raining, or it’s foggy, and the Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt fact that lookouts on the open sea spend most of their time looking forwards… Or no one gets any pictures. No friction, no repetition, no expectation. These anonymous collisions may seem trivial, but they aren’t. They are continual reminders that we are all Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt human.
- They often reinforce civility and empathy. They allow us to be kind, and generous, a bit wild even, without consequence. In places where there is healthy social contact among strangers, Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt people help each other out. They intervene when a stranger is in trouble. They hold open a door. They care–because they only have to care for a minute. If social life ranges from “being alone” to Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt “being together,” public social contact exists in the middle. When we lose the public space that facilitates it–active sidewalks and thoroughfares–we lose the simplicity of anonymous collisions. Suddenly, the stakes get too high. Now we can’t just nod at each other–we have to get to Surprised Tennessee 99 Problems Shirt know each other, exchange numbers, have a conversation. Social contact becomes work,
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