When I was reading this I was thinking to myself, this should definitely be a blog. the way you write recaps, inserting your own asides and thoughts is just perfect. And I would love for them to all be in one spot I could just binge read and then easily send the link to everyone. Plus I love the on deck feature, letting us know what’s coming up. Plus you could even put a Some Days You Just Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They’re Dealing With Girl Shirt. Or even do a “donation bribe” to get the book of their choosing bumped hire on the on-deck recap list. I would definitely donate to the cause, especially if there was something specific I wanted to know about but didn’t wanna read myself.
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Which is basically every bravo “star” memoir or YA mystery, or cookbook for Jewish vegans. I would read recaps on all of them! So thank you again for your service, you really are doing the lords work. You are a superb writer and a perceptive reader. Not everyone would be able to suss out the subtle messages embedded in this magnum opus. You should be blogging recaps!! This made my day. Also, the bit about the Some Days You Just Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They’re Dealing With Girl Shirt… So I’m not really sure the point she was trying to make there. Ha-ha! It’s sad/very telling that she had to put “ha-ha’s” after each statement she thinks is clever or funny. If you have to tell the audience you’re joking, it wasn’t a good joke!
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This paragraph in particular is a gem “I never thought I’d see the day when I yearned for the even-keeled wisdom of Alex and Simon. But that day has come. Ejaculating during your child’s birth is one thing. But teaching your daughters that homeless people were just too dumb to make the right choices is… And extremely different things. Better to spew semen than hatred, as I always say! Ha-ha!”. Jeez, she could have left out the part with the Some Days You Just Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They’re Dealing With Girl Shirt. Because they didn’t go to college. She sure loves to laugh at her own jokes. Yeah, that was a potentially great moment for teaching the kids not to typecast peoples appearances with problematic jokes.
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