There’s probably a Snoopy Face Mask Joe Cool This Is My Quarantine O Ween Costume Shirt better way to pitch this data. It’s not just a lack of human value, but a lack of any real sense of probability and real-world consequences. Doubling the chance of an extremely unlikely event doesn’t really mean much. For instance, going from one chance to hit and kill a pedestrian for every two million hours driven to one chance for every one million miles driven is pretty meaningless to any individual driver. Like doubling your chances of getting struck by lightening based on the vehicle you happen to be driving – it’s so unlikely an event in the first place that it’s not even worth thinking about.
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If instead, it was Snoopy Face Mask Joe Cool This Is My Quarantine O Ween Costume Shirt presented as the difference between 1000 pedestrians that are actually killed annually when struck at 30 mph vs 2000 pedestrians who are actually killed annually when struck at 40 mph, that would carry some weight. (I’m totally making these numbers up.) There is also the question of how many people we are really talking about at various speeds. If getting stuck at 40 mph is a significantly rarer event than getting struck at 30 mph, it might still be pretty meaningless; say for example, if 10 people per year are killed at 40 mph while 1000 are killed at 30 mph. That could be because people are 200 x more likely to get hit at the lower speed but are half as likely to die. I’m probably not expressing this well.
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