I work for a company helping Save This Is My Christmas Baseball Pajama Shirt people in low-income areas get registered to vote. Mostly blacks. Not being racist, that’s just what it is. We perform a Quality Control visual check on voter registration forms and call them to confirm the info and let them know they’ll get their cards in 3-4 weeks. We also tell them if they haven’t gotten their cards by 4 weeks to call the Secretary of State and I offer to give them that number so they can have it on hand in case their card doesn’t show up. 8 out of 10 people literally tell me yes and to hang on while they get a pen or put it down in their phone to save. I can tell tons of people are making sure to vote and it’s a very positive sign.
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I am also Texan. People usually think of Texas as Save This Is My Christmas Baseball Pajama Shirts a “solid red” state but it’s actually just a victim of heavy gerrymandering & voter suppression among likely liberal voters. When Beto ran for senate in 2018, he encouraged tons of previously disenfranchised voters to participate and the end result was 50% – 48%. Especially living in Texas. I haven’t kept up on the news lately but I remember hearing once that there was at least a tiny chance of Texas being a swing state. Those are where we need to push the hardest to get every voice heard and accounted for.
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