I don’t mean to be ignorant but I thought Right Guinea Unipig Rainbow Colors Shirt that was the job of a moderator. The auto mod system works well to a point. but people learn to game said system with different keywords etc. Honestly, who uploads those things to YouTube?? Sick. One more reason Google is trying to use AI to do this function. An AI does not get PTSD. Where do I sign up? I always felt bad for the people who had to do this. They’re kinda unsung heroes. Can I get PTSD compensation for having to watch it ads pls? Some are outright porn, others are intended to make you hate humanity.
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If this bothers everyone, which I think it does, everyone Right Guinea Unipig Rainbow Colors Shirts needs to read this and listen to their podcast episode on Facebook moderators. This stuff is disgusting, vile and the worst of humanity. It’s why I don’t use social media other than Reddit. Technology is fantastic. But the dark side of it is disgusting. Christ, where do I sign up! How in the hell does this stuff make it to YouTube? Nintendo wants something taken down and it’s done almost immediately. Where do I apply for this kind of job? It’ll also cost less to YT, me being in a third world country.
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