- With how the senate has licked ass I can’t be a Republican Relaxed My Furbaby Circle Dog 6 Shirt anymore and I’m voting blue down the ballot. But when the Dems step to the crazy left instead of the Relaxed My Furbaby Circle Dog 6 Shirt progressive left and Republicans step to the middle. You might reconsider. Agreed. I would love to have a party that represents more of my positions. But right now I’m just voting for sanity. I don’t think the current senate republicans can ever get to stink off them. It’s hard to pick the next R that could run. Powell certainly could run and possibly even win. Steele just came to mind. I don’t see how anyone that endorses Biden could win the nomination. I think Paul Ryan is the guy to look out for. Blaming is very different from endorsing Biden. I’m sure a lot of people won’t care but actual capital R republicans won’t like it.
- You can’t endorse a pro-choice pro-gun control climate change believer and turn around and be rewarded by these people. Oh and immigration! Oh boy. No, the next candidate is going to be another conservative. They don’t go with anything Relaxed My Furbaby Circle Dog 6 Shirt else under any circumstances. Hate is bipartisan but conservative values are immutable. They aren’t loyal because they demand loyalty. You should probably think harder about why they’re Republicans and what they actually believe. Start by not calling them monolithic and contemplating nuance. As for Medicare for all, lol republican philosophy has no room for that. Small government low taxes. That 52% either vote republican despite wanting Medicare for all or they are so deluded that they think the GOP would ever in a million years start supporting anything that looks remotely like that.
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- I’m not saying they are a monolith. I’m saying their party philosophy is Relaxed My Furbaby Circle Dog 6 Shirt bad. And it doesn’t evolve because its nature is an originalist. Hurray! Self-awareness and rational discussion on Reddit, I never thought I’d find that 2020 bingo card. The way most Republicans have enabled these last 4 years it’s going to be a while before I consider a Republican. Should be measured in Class of 2020 Shit Is Getting Real 2020 Toilet Paper Vintage Shirt lifetimes or at least half-lives. These bad justice picks will be on the court after I’m dead, wreaking corporate malfeasance, environmental injustice, and likely undoing Roe v Wade. How many elections to move past that? I bet they won’t. They’ll vote against him now and go right back to voting Republicans again in 2 years cause their dad/husband/pastor/FOX News tells them to.
- You’ll never live to see one-party rule. The courts are a third of the federal government and they’ll be republican probably for the rest of your life. I feel this way, but I’m happy that people are feeling this way so they don’t vote for him again. This election is Relaxed My Furbaby Circle Dog 6 Shirt about kicking out over-reaching republicans. You can worry about future elections in the future. There is a 99% chance that anyone who supports is a racist. That made my stomach drop. Here’s my super bummed-out upvote. Thanks for nothing. There was not one single voter who was duped in 2016. Every single one of you knew exactly what kind of person you were voting for. Voting out every single one of his sycophants’ traitors and undoing his damage will take time. If they have the humility to apologize, I’m not going to shame them further.
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