There are people also competing at the Pro We Are Many You Are But One Shirt who live with their parents while working or study at uni and are in a much better position to take a year out to commit to going “pro”. I’ve got a mortgage and bills to pay so for me it’s not worth it, especially considering once you get to the top national level almost every team will ship you to a gaming house and I much prefer living with my partner. Still gaming but I can definitely relate.
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No, it wouldn’t. A majority of League streamers at a minimum are diamond, and Pro We Are Many You Are But One Shirt top 2-.1% of the games player base, it still isn’t impressive. Like, at all. Pulling in viewers for League requires you to have a personality, just playing the game well will net you somewhere in the bottom 10-20 viewers. Unless you have tits. It sounds like a plan, but it really is a bit of a far stretch. Even though Diamond and especially D1 is a huge achievement (unless it’s some scuffed server) it’s not going to attract viewers just from that.
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There are enough high streamers with Pro We Are Many You Are But One Shirt. Even a lower streamer with an already established fanbase and an entertaining personality will get more views. There are plenty of diamond+ streamers who get less than 100 peak viewers. It’s not the only rank that matters when it comes to streaming. You could compare it to the arts. There are a lot of great singers, musicians, artists and etc., but that doesn’t mean that everyone is going to make any money off of it.
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