It did not occur “outside the universe.” The Big Bang occurred all throughout the Pretty The Big Bang Theory Thank You For The Memories Shirt. The Big Bang was the universe expanding very rapidly. As far as we know it didn’t expand into anything. All “expansion” means, in this case, is that all points are moving away from all other points. When you picture the Big Bang, don’t picture a tiny, hot point getting larger. Instead, picture your own awareness inside the universe while it is small and dense and hot and then all of a sudden all the other particles start moving away from you quickly.
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We cannot picture the universe from outside the Pretty The Big Bang Theory Thank You For The Memories Shirt. Our only meaningful discussion as citizens of the universe is to talk about what we see and observe while inside of it. We know up to a fraction of a second after the big bang because at that point the universe existed similarly to how we know now (though much hotter). All the energy in the universe is condensed in such a small point that our current understanding of how things work breaks down at that temperature.
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As for anything before, there are a few theories that I’m unfamiliar with but nothing that we know for Pretty The Big Bang Theory Thank You For The Memories Shirt. Nobody really knows. Blackhole cosmology, for instance, theorizes that our universe is inside a black hole of the greater universe and each black hole in our universe also contains universes just like ours, each of them unable to interact across the event horizons. There was no “inside”, or “outside” or even “before” prior to the Big Bang. Space and time did not exist so those concepts are irrelevant.
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