But these crows were not stupid, they had Pretty Skeleton My Life Is A Dumpster Fire But It’s All Cool Shirt a very good system of communicating with one another. One bird would sift through the trash while the other sat on a nearby signpost or something and be the lookout. When a vehicle came along the lookout would alert the one down in the gutter so it could fly out in time. But some birds still got hit, for you see, while it’s very easy for a crow to say “cat” it is very difficult for them to say “truck”. It’s not as sensational as the title suggests. We have known they are able to perform quite complex tasks for decades now. It’s possible to teach them to understand certain words and their meanings, there are many experiments measuring intelligence they excel at, they’re quite similar to bonuses in their abilities to solve visual puzzles.
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And bonuses are one of the most intelligent species Pretty Skeleton My Life Is A Dumpster Fire But It’s All Cool Shirts among all animals. There must be something I’m not quite understanding because I don’t see how this experiment proves these are analyzing what they know… It seems to me that you’d get the same results from them simply remembering what they experienced. Critical thinking occurs at the time of the button press, and it’s only a reflection of what they remember experiencing. It doesn’t really show that they are thinking about their own thoughts… Right.
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