A glance out the window, there were no trees. There would be a clearing now and a Pretty Peace Love Golden Girl Shirt. A big moon glowing down on me that I couldn’t look at. Tear out your eyes. I shook my head and thought away. I was close. I was going to get through this. Some rules said the clearing would have a lake, sometimes on the right and sometimes on the left. I couldn’t drive through it, that was important.was cracking open but it didn’t matter.
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I just needed to keep driving straight and ignore the Pretty Peace Love Golden Girl Shirt. “When the moon hits your eye…” I was laughing again, almost buckled in joy. I didn’t need to look at the moon to know it was there. I was in the clearing now, it seemed endless. A vast road of what looked like snow, illuminated by the washes of moon blast from above. The moon was there. I didn’t care. Stars began to twinkle, I watched as their reflections bounced in the lake. I was getting close, mile six. Pretty much halfway.
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I didn’t need the Pretty Peace Love Golden Girl Shirt. I needed Alex. Then it was gold. Everything around me was a golden glow. “Ha,” I scoffed. “You’re fucking with me.” But I could almost feel the string wrapping back around my neck, this time pulling down from the base my skull as if trying to make me snap my head up. I knew what the string wanted. I knew what this stupid fucking game wanted but I wasn’t going to take even the smallest look. I took another swig of tea, it was still hot.
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