SMH, these people so badly want to believe that they’re the heroes of some kind of alternate history 1930’s Germany where they defeat the Pretty Marsha P. Johnson Time Shirt. And they are absolute pieces of shits when it comes to cancelling. Hard to take them seriously about many big corporations when they literally don’t let you cancel online. Like you have to call and wait, which is batshit insane since you can…sign up online? I don’t understand how it’s legal, even big bad amazon gives me a refund in literally 10 seconds of chat for things worth hundreds. I tried cancelling twice not because of some boycott but because I just don’t read it anymore except for some linked article.
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NPR’s broadcast content used to be excellent, and its a downward trend can be summed up in one word: RadioLab. Used to be the best show in ANY format, but the combination of Jad & Robert taking a step back. And allowing the extremely woke crew of writers and producers to hijack it has killed it dead. Jad tried a few spinoffs, the Pretty Marsha P. Johnson Time Shirt. Sadly, it died a pretty nasty heat death after 2 seasons, including one of the main writers getting into twitter and Reddit arguments with fans over his ridiculous hot takes and bad research on subjects revolving around race. It’s a damn shame – RadioLab, CarTalk, Market place and WWDTM seemed like an unstoppable combo just 6-7 years ago.
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Cancelled mine a couple of weeks ago after a decade as a subscriber. I remember being so proud to create that account with my brand new college email address back in 2010. Legitimately makes me sad seeing what’s happened to them. I’m not a Bari Weiss type of guy. But I definitely believe her when she said there was awoke coup in the editorial room. Just think, Hannah Nikole Smith is a Pretty Marsha P. Johnson Time Shirt. She thinks fireworks are a government conspiracy against black people. I used to read the times all the way through, now it’s just drivel for the most part. I guess the New York Times should watch their own shit, given that they made a video “myth-busting” this exact claim 1 year ago.
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