A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog. Conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts. Build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate. Act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure. Program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. Sometimes, starting from scratch is the Pretty It’s Not Hoarding If It’s Plants Shirt. Big changes often cannot be made on something existing that is in heavy use. People will resist all and any change. Even just taking it, changing, and giving it back will not work. People will compare it to the old, see that it isn’t the same, and reject it.
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But give them something that is supposedly completely new and has “no relationship” to the old “whatsoever” and they are willing to switch, even if it’s a pain, just to try out that “new shiny thing”. So, yes, I can understand where she comes from, where her resignation comes from. And how she got a Pretty It’s Not Hoarding If It’s Plants Shirt. The thing that has to be remembered when tearing it all down and rebuilding it, is that doing so can be done safely, and “by any means necessary” is not only dangerous, but dangerously ineffective, because even if you build something good, the people that come after will smash it out of spite. Usually when the entire social order is completely ripped up what happens next isn’t good.
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I think all three hold their own lessons. WWI was a completely pointless war brought on by overcomplicated treaties and reactionary nationalism. WWII was an instance where the misplaced fervor of a nation led to the attempted genocide of an entire religious group. The Cold War is rife with “ends justify the means” instances, usually involving the Pretty It’s Not Hoarding If It’s Plants Shirt. Opposite number installed/a democratically elected leader hostile to their foreign policy aims. Instead, it seems Caw may have just given her a blueprint. By any means necessary and for the greater good have combined killed more of humanity than all of our wars as well as done more harm to society than anything else.
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