I woke up this morning to discover. A message in Pretty 29th Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt. Apparently this dumpster fire of a thread made the front page. I don’t know what that means other than a shitload of other people were exposed to our shitposting. I’m not sure if I should apologize on everybody’s behalf or be proud of our little effort. I like a lot about this. Especially the explanation for the Yaser call. Adnan needs to explain his absence from prayers. The last thing he wants is for people to think he has gone missing.
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The same time Hae has already gone missing. Actually, the last thing he wants is people looking for him while he’s burying a Pretty 29th Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt. And ditching a car. And I definitely agree with your closing paragraphs — I think it is time for many of us to put this case behind us. That said, I don’t think it is necessary for Bilal to have been a mastermind. He may have simply been an opportunist, as many predators are, using the events surrounding Hae’s death to further insinuate himself into Adnan’s life.
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Thanks for your thoughts and for taking the time to read the Pretty 29th Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt. I think the possibility of Bilal’s involvement was somewhere between accomplice and mastermind. I lean more toward mastermind because I think Adnan lacked the sophistication to pull this off on his own. But as another person mentioned, the incentive for Bilal to participate in some way for no other reason than to have immeasurable leverage over his favorite victim may have been too much to pass up causing him to help Adnan carry out the plot from a distance.
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