Never learning maths, science, technology. You rely solely on magic, which you can’t do without a wand. Imagine misplacing that one tiny piece of wood. My dad’s favorite argument is “lanyards!” You can’t lose your wand if it’s attached to you. Expelliarmus? Not today. Lanyards. This is why I imagine most Premium Yes I Am The Crazy Book Lady Shirt don’t sweat about the small stuff. That like broken bones or falling from 50 feet in the air. When you can reverse the effects with a swish of a wand. It’s also kinda implied that wizards are superhuman on some level. Dumbledore is 100+ years old and still perfectly healthy.
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The kids take a pounding that would kill normal humans. Sure, you can heal stuff, but they also seem to be less troubled by all the stuff that happens to them. Morbid thought. I wonder how many boggart classes managed to identify abused kids. And I mean, I can see a lot of kids’ boggarts turning into their Premium Yes I Am The Crazy Book Lady Shirt. Or what if my worst fear is something intangible? Like abandonment. That always confused me. Not everyone’s fear is something tangible like spiders or clowns, if the kid fears death or sickness what would happen?
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But a lot of intangible fears can be represented by something tangible. Death is pretty easy, it could show as someone you know who has died. Like the corpse of a family member. Or just look like the Premium Yes I Am The Crazy Book Lady Shirt. Or other culturally appropriate figure known for death. Sickness could be a person visibly very ill, or something known to spread disease (a swarm of rats?). Hermione’s greatest fear was failure. Which one of the intangible ones we see represented through physical means during their final. IIRC it manifests as McGonagall telling her she failed her exams.
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