There’s a type of wild asparagus in the Premium Vet Bod Like Dad Bod But With More Knee Pain American Flag Shirt south of France that’s absolutely delicious to eat. But you can only eat it in small quantities, as too much will give you diarrhea. So quite literally a pain in the Passover had a fresh Jackfruit? They taste delicious, like a cross between a leaflet l pineapple and a banana, but good god the sap… The sap of jackfruit is a construction grade adhesive, and it is nearly impossible to open and eat without getting it everywhere. You can just barely get it off is by scrubbing with oil and then soap and water. Any sour candy with the sugar crystals on them. Ah, junior high.
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These are a Premium Vet Bod Like Dad Bod But With More Knee Pain American Flag Shirt pain in the ass at every step. Prep them while raw to make this easier! First, cut the tip-off, then in half right down the middle lengthwise. After steaming them, scoop the hairy part and some of the innermost leaves out with a spoon. It comes right out and is then easy to eat (and an easier portion if it’s a huge artichoke). I see a lot of articles recommending taking the hairy part out before steaming but it’s way harder and I don’t get why you wouldn’t just wait for it to soften.
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Otherwise, I’ll just be hungry still no matter the Premium Vet Bod Like Dad Bod But With More Knee Pain American Flag Shirt amount. I have a thing where if I eat enough garlic I sweat raw onion smell through every pore for the next day. But I love garlic and would willingly sacrifice myself to the onion sweats for a forty clove pizza. I did a presentation on how to cut different kinds of fruit in a speech class in high school. When I got to pomegranate, I struggled, and off the cuff said “it’s hard as a rock… I guess that’s why they call it a pome… “granite!” Everyone laughed and kept laughing. I said, “it wasn’t THAT funny.” Later, my only friend in the class told me that they were laughing at how much my hands were shaking holding the knife. I’m still mortified to this day (decades later) and have not and will not ever go to a class reunion.
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