I am one year clean and sober as of Premium Tough To Kill Shirt yesterday from IV heroin and meth. It hasn’t been easy but life is so much better and more manageable. If you are reading this wondering if you too can do it, the answer is yes if you ask for help and get honest with yourself and those around you. Omg, the reason I still smoke pretty much daily is due to dreams. I forgot how many existed the last time I fully cleaned out. And my health declined and my anxiety increased. My digestive and eating cycles were much improved on weed vs off. Have you tried CBD? Last time I involuntarily detoxed (trip to Europe) my friend said I should have taken CBD with me to sleep. I will try to keep a steady dose of CBD next time I try to get sober. But honestly, sobriety was never a personality enhancer for me, so unless I get pregnant, I’ll probably abstain lol
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Weed is a lot tougher to quit than the Premium Tough To Kill Shirt weed culture makes it seem. I quit a couple of years ago because it started to truly feel like an addiction. The first time it hit me was when I was prepping for a vacation for Florida and went through a lot of trouble to figure out how to ensure I had access to THC. I was actually afraid to go a week without it. The addiction is downplayed because you can be a highly functional weed addict compared to being addicted to meth or heroin you can’t be functional for very long before it takes over your life. With weed, you could hold down a job and live a normal life and smoke weed every single day until you die. I’m glad she’s praising Narcan. Some idiots are trying to make it as hard to get/use as possible. Like anything having to do with drugs is inherently bad. I’ve known 3 people saved by Narcan and I’m so happy each of them is here today. It has miraculous results.
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I’m glad she’s praising Narcan. Some idiots are trying to make it as hard to get/use as possible. Like anything having to do with drugs is inherently bad. I’ve known 3 people saved by Narcan and I’m so happy each of Premium Tough To Kill Shirt they are here today. It has miraculous results. It’s really sad how drug addiction is seen as a weakness of character/ethics. I wish the U.S. would put more of a focus on addiction as a medical issue. Used to watch the series “Intervention” and it changed my perspective a lot because the number of people on that series who turned to drug use to cope with trauma vs. people who became addicts through recreational use was heartbreaking. Using the catch-all term “junkies” allows people to dehumanize addicts and wash their hands of it since they no longer exist in their minds as the actual, real, feeling, living, existing people they actually are.
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