Social pressure plays a Premium Naturally Unbothered Shirt large part in encouraging people to drink but I don’t believe it is the only reason people like alcoholic drinks. Most drinks do have a strong flavor and will, therefore, divide opinions. Take Marmite, which is a by-product of beer and has a very distinctive flavor. I haven’t actually had a drink in 12 days. Yep. Sure I didn’t like beer the first time I tried it, but I also didn’t like a lot of foods that I tried as a kid that I love now. Is it not natural because it’s an acquired taste? Doesn’t even really make sense. And lots of alcohol I tried for the first time I really enjoyed. Malts, white wine, rum, and coke with some lime always tasted amazing. Gets the upvote. Was introduced to alcoholic ciders around 16, stuff was delicious. remember also loving the taste of bud light limes, it was like drinking a lime soda
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My parents made me try stuff when I was like five. They wanted me to know what stuff tastes like so it’ll be easier to tell if someone fucks with my drink (that’s their rationale). Also, it demystifies it and allowed me to taste stuff. I hated everything with alcohol until at least 16 when I started to like ciders and stuff. They let me drink a Premium Naturally Unbothered Shirt bit when we have guests over, but I never overdo it. Overall, I’d say it’s been very successful. It conferred an evolutionary advantage to like foods that other people stay away from. You have an additional source of nutrition which there is less competition for. Back when the human race competed for food rather than sitting on the couch eating Cheetos, this was the case, anyway, and evolution hasn’t quite caught up yet. The first time I had blue cheese, olives, and cured meats as a child I liked them. The first beer I had? Loved it. The first taste of champagne? Amazing. My first whiskey was some fancy scotch my Grandpa had, on ice. It was delicious.
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I’m an adult who enjoys the taste of Premium Naturally Unbothered Shirt bourbon but I agree with OP. For the vast majority of people, it’s an acquired taste. Even professional whiskey tasters have to take 2 drinks off the whiskey first and swish it around your mouth just to get your taste buds past the alcohol flavor. Yeah but it’s also literally physiology. Your tastebuds physically change as you get older. When I was 19, I only drank Moscato because it was sweet and now I can’t stand Moscato and mostly drink like a Merlot. My wife doesn’t care for wine either. I can only drink it occasionally myself because it gives me a sour stomach after a while. Beer is bitter from the hops so if you are sensitive to bitter flavors you’ll dislike that also. Cider isn’t as acidic and isn’t bitter so it makes sense you’d like it. The smell and taste of shrimps can trigger that too.
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