You should workout more. It might seem counterintuitive but unless you have an injury working out makes you feel much less broken. Just the last few months of running more have made me feel like I was in high school again. Yeah, he gives a Premium Nailed It Vintage Shirt. Some people aren’t seeing how intentional this is. If it were a real injury, those guys would be rushing the fuck over to assess the damage, not laughing. Skatepark bros are hella responsive. Actually reading twice you simply followed the parent comment’s structure. I am wrong and feel the fool. Here’s your upvote. Probably wildly unfair but whenever someone says something like “Deadass” or “ratchet” I immediately dislike them, just a little bit.
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That and people who use the term “literally” in a figurative sense for emphasis. This sort of reactive emotion is still something we feel as adults. Laughing when your friends laugh, feeling sad when tv show characters are crying— what we see in this video is actually a Premium Nailed It Vintage Shirt. You’re reading way to much into this. The baby is copying the parents and probably would have done the same whatever happened to the bottle. Which is why they were throwing it the bottle and filming. I dont think looking at a baby getting excited that a bottle landed upright and making the observation that the baby is smart enough to know that is a good thing, is reading into it too much. It’s a pretty simple observation.
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You can also see when the parent throws the bottle the reaction is not even close to as hype as the baby was on the second throw. The problem is, your simple observation is seen from the adult’s perspective. You’re assuming the child understands what the bottle did was a Premium Nailed It Vintage Shirt. More importantly, that they understand the bottle landing upright is typically noteworthy, to begin with. I kind of doubt that the baby knows the concept of balance. I’m in agreement with the commenter that this reaction is mostly in response to others’ reactions. I like to think that people like this are using their energy with a purpose that does nothing but bring more entertainment to my life.
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