All the cuteness of the Frenchie without the brachycephalic respiratory problems. And hopefully, the smarts of the Premium French Bulldog Face Mask Fuck Corona Shirt the neuroses. It sounds like a winning combination! I have a full Frenchie, but she’s lean and tall like a Boston. She’s also super athletic. I’m the human equivalent of a Frenchie though, so I haven’t tried taking her running. But she absolutely loves playing fetch for hours. Except backyard breeders are the only ones saying that.
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It could. Frenchtons (French Bulldog × Boston Terrier) are very popular for this reason. They have the look and Premium French Bulldog Face Mask Fuck Corona Shirt of a Frenchie but with healthier traits like having a bit of a snout which improves their respiratory problems, and being leaner and taller which helps reduce their back issues. Haven’t heard of Frenchies being crossed with any other breed intentionally though. It would be difficult to predict what kind of personality a supper like OP’s might have, as they could be on either end of the spectrum from lapdog to working dog.
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OP- He’s one heck of a Premium French Bulldog Face Mask Fuck Corona Shirt. Tell us more. What kind of personality does he have? How did this unusual combination of breeds come to be? Heck yes. I have a 3-year-old and he goes on runs with me…like multiple miles a day and still wants to fetch his brains out after. He is super agile and zips around like a Boston. But when he is done, the man he turns into a goofy cuddle potato, like a Frenchie. Love that little dude.
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