You are making it into an egalitarian statement. I am a Jew and I want my people to be safe and Premium Faith Hope Love Shirt. And I care about the posterity of the Jewish people so much and in a unique way. And I’m saying it’s absolutely an obligation for Jews to feel this way too, not just me because we are a distinct family with a shared history and a shared future. Okay?Oh, of course, not trying to put words in your mouth. I understand and respect your position. I’m just saying I don’t share it, or qualify goodwill towards people based on their religion.
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So if you think that the Premium Faith Hope Love Shirt. That means that you disagree with the main argument, which is that there is an important connection between Jews and Israel. Does this mean that you believe that Jews and Israel (not Likud) are totally separate things and should not be conflated? To say that the Israeli government or Israel itself can be conflated with Jews is just about the most profoundly anti-Semitic concept I can imagine. The only groups I have using this logic are Hamas in its original charter, Kahanists, and actual nazis.
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Oh, my apologies. What they DO and SAY are considered extremist and terroristic, but we can’t yet say that what they are is Premium Faith Hope Love Shirt. So far it’s just what their policies and actions are denounced. Well, I’m part of everyone and I don’t agree. Likud leads the government of the homeland of the Jews and has been the dominant party for 4 decades. By and large, Likud represents a median among Jews on issues of policy. As such it represents global Jewry as much as any political party can.
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