My grandfather was born in the middle of nowhere PA. Lived on a farm. Joined the military. Grew up catholic. But is one of the most liberal people I know. Just goes to show you that age doesn’t always equal conservative. Glad you found out your Premium Conservative Never Sorry For Being Right Shirt. Spent the first 10ish years of her retirement locking herself to stop signs while protesting for social justice issues and against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because “She doesn’t need a clean arrest record anymore.” She’s 110 soaking wet, named Mildred, and is a retired English teacher. Obviously, I think she is amazing. Seriously. When I first heard her say it I was like, “What?”, but after thinking about it she really doesn’t.
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She’s not trying to get a job. She owns her home and her reputation at her church and places like that was set years ago and they all knew exactly why she was protesting. And, she is never ever mean or violent. She’s very polite to the officers. This is obviously total white privilege, but they are generally nice to her, too. It’s not bad to have a Premium Conservative Never Sorry For Being Right Shirt. Nothing wrong with being privileged at all. Right, old people can be very powerful when they have nothing to lose. When my Grandpa was in his 90s his doc told him he had no real recommendations & to do whatever he wanted because he was in the bonus round. Pretty funny & true way to look at it.
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Tell your mil she is awesome and I plan on being just as kooky as her when I’m her age because…why the hell not as she so eloquently put it. Mildred is my idol! Hell yeah, Mildred! Oddly enough my sophomore English teacher is very similar. She’s always been liberal and I can see that now looking back. We’ve grown to be really great friends. And even though she gave me detention a Premium Conservative Never Sorry For Being Right Shirt. Go retired English teachers! Leading the way! My grandma was born in the 1920s and her dad was a hellfire and brimstone Baptist traveling preacher. he’s also a very religious Catholic and she doesn’t believe in abortion or birth control FOR HERSELF.
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