Given the crazy budget available, I do wish Star Wars could avoid “attack weak point for massive damage” type battles. Sure they were fun in ANH and ROTJ, but… you don’t actually need every battle to be decided that way. One of the things that make the Premium Baby Yoda Mask Hugging Ocado Shirt of Endor so awesome is that there’s a real honest to goodness fight going on before the “pew one-shot”. Honestly, this was the issue I had with the Prequels. That would explain why we didn’t see more of his species in the movies.
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ROTS included. Rogue One was the Premium Baby Yoda Mask Hugging Ocado Shirt film outside of the OT that captured the rhythm, pacing, tension, and scale of the originals. But of course, the PT was at least *trying* to do new things with new designs, not just commit the excesses of the PT with copy-paste assets from the OT– well even lazier– from Rogue One that they had lying around. What we see happening in the new TV show is that the warrior tribes of Mandalore had to flee the planet. They seem to be hunted into extinction.
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And the main character was adopted by Premium Baby Yoda Mask Hugging Ocado Shirt. Which was highly unusual. I have friends who still swear TLJ was good, and the only reason people hate it is that they’re man-babies who dint like strong female characters. I then tell them I disagree with many of the cinematography choices, the choreography, the unnecessarily long plots, and the lack of continuity of time. They like it because stuff happens. The casual viewer doesn’t care what happens, just as long as something cool looking happens on screen.
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