Civilizations last on average 300 years. Give it a century and the west will be gone, disappeared, faded out. The middle east, China, or Africa will take over Europe and North America one way or another. In another few hundred years, Our First Fathers Day 2020 The One Where I Was Quarantined Shirt if climate change hasn’t wiped everyone out, white people will be just a thing in the history books as what some humans ‘looked like.’ I’m fairly certain Western civilization has lasted longer than 300 years. In fact, the foundations of it were laid by the Greeks and the Romans almost 2,000 years ago.
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Celebrating Men’s Day is indeed important in many aspects. But when large commercial companies do it, it just sounds hollow. We know that they just do not care about the Men’s Day, as much as they care about Our First Fathers Day 2020 The One Where I Was Quarantined Shirt and publicity of their product. How do you know it was only posted there? Father’s Day is different in different countries, isn’t it? Wouldn’t each country-specific account just post their regional version of the ad? Not a feminist, but Father’s Day is already acknowledged pretty largely in an equivalent fashion to Mother’s Day. Just because some feminazis hate the day doesn’t mean society does.
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‘Happy Father’s Day’ wouldn’t fly in the west? What fucking planet are you living on? It takes five seconds of googling ‘coca-cola father’s day’ to pull up yearly posts about father’s day and Our First Fathers Day 2020 The One Where I Was Quarantined Shirt on every regional coca cola social media account, not just those in the middle east. You could interpret it in a number of ways, essentially that the dad is making a sacrifice for the betterment of his child. This is a really nice advert. These platforms have target audiences. Twitter has certain demographics using it in swathes, and others not all. You won’t get a representative picture of society from looking just at Twitter.
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