I live in the Bible belt and am the only atheist in the family. Didn’t go over well. Now my elderly parents need help and not one of these Christians can find it in Original Weed Worlds Dopest Dad Shirt them to help. And this is a close family living in the same town. I’ve given up asking them for help. The entire discrimination against gays is something I never really understood about religion. Even having read the Bible myself, it barely mentions homosexuality outside of a few lines. Sorry if I sound pessimistic, but it is highly unlikely that any publishing house or movie studio would touch this with a 10-foot pole. It is a direct condemnation of religion and, worst of all, in the America of ours, criticism of Christianity. Whichever publishing house or movie studio makes it, it will either go under as people will boycott it.
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Only atheists will watch it fully, and maybe some agnostics, but theists will refuse. You’re an Original Weed Worlds Dopest Dad Shirt amazing person. Get her into rehab and afterward it might be a really good idea to have her live at a halfway house for a bit just so she can find a job and reap some of the benefits of being at a halfway house. Seriously going from inpatient rehab to living with you again is too big of a jump. You can also consider getting her into an outpatient program. Also make sure she’s been able to detox under medical supervision because withdrawal can be life-threatening if she’s hasn’t already been through it.
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I’m sorry for the horrible things you and your sister have been subjected to. However I’m so Original Weed Worlds Dopest Dad Shirt happy that you were able to find her and show her the love and compassion that everyone deserves. You’re pissed off now but what you’re doing is a good fight and a worthy fight. It sounds like you have enough determination to make sure this works. You will both be happy in due time. You’re a good person that did an incredible thing for your sister and you two will be incredibly strong and close when this is over. Good job dude.
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