United States banks must be jealous. Borders with Official Welcome To The Coop We Are Au Freakin’ Crazy Chicken Farm Shirt bedrooms instead of cages. I like it. That’s what we need. Halfway houses for our immigrants till they settle in. I never really liked the idea of treating our future Americans so shabby upon arrival while wearing a jacket that says we don’t care. Look, Americans.. borders without walls work too! That. Is. Amazing.! Most TILs are tame..this is wild! Makes beauracracy look like child’s play! Great post. My laugh for the day. Thanks. Ah. I see you moved that paperwork over the imaginary line and thwarted my attempt to audit you. Very good sir.
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Donald Trump has unsuccessfully tried to Official Welcome To The Coop We Are Au Freakin’ Crazy Chicken Farm Shirts acquire that bank at least 34 times. Viruses say “Borders? We don’t need no stinkin’ borders!” Wait, Belgium and the Netherlands are separate countries? What happens between counties and states in us, didn’t know it wasn’t just an Americans are a dumb thing. Ok, that with the EU their citizens can just go back and forth but what about before that what did they do? Reading this my feeling that country borders is a ridiculous concept and shouldn’t even exist is validated.
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