I’m crying like an Official Supernatural SPN Family Shirt now. And I’m 26 years old grown-ass woman. Because this show is so much more for me than a simple show. I grew up with it, went through several re-watchings, never tired of it. I had first crush for both brothers. And I was crushed when they got married haha. But as I got older I started to understand how beautiful these people are. How magical relationships they have, not only between each other but the whole SPN crew. Winchester brothers taught me about family and love more than anything else on TV.
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Last year is when I discovered Supernatural. I became obsessed (as we all do). I learned as much about Jared, and Jensen as I could. I found out about Jared’s charity and his struggle with Official Supernatural SPN Family Shirt. And felt for him as I too struggle with mental health. I bought the entertainment weekly guide when it came out. With the idea that I’d read it once I caught up with the series. About 3 months in. I had a very bad mental breakdown. And had to be hospitalized after the dr found self-inflicted burn marks on my arm.
Official Supernatural SPN Family Sweatshirt, Hoodie

I had such a phobia of mental health wards and Official Supernatural SPN Family Shirt. I was getting put into, one scared me beyond belief. My wife tried to console me. But we both didn’t know what to say. I was admitted at 11 pm with nothing. But the clothes. I was wearing which I was forced to change out of till the could inspect them. The next day my wife was able to bring me more clothes and they allowed me 1 item of reading material. She brought the entertainment weekly as it was the only thing not packed in a box.
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