Who would’ve thought a business degree would prove even remotely valuable in such a scenario? Humor aside, you seem to have a more valuable ally than previously imagined. Perhaps the lady in chains is not the only thing on your Official She Wants The D Dirt Track Racing Shirt. You seem to have found it’s equal in some regard. Whether he can be placated enough to be of use may lie solely with your future actions, since he seems, to put it bluntly, terribly pissed off with you at the moment. But hey, perhaps a fresh Krispy Kreme would compliment the contents of his skull cup. You never know. The man with the skull cup is not the only one who shows you respect enough to be trusted.
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And I doubt he’s the only one tho have been offended by Jessie, now or prior. Perhaps you have more individuals willing to lend aid. For a price, that is. Or the dancers, or the harvesters. Both have given her gifts in one way or another. I think it’s time she uses and carries the knife the Official She Wants The D Dirt Track Racing Shirt. This probably will – much like the man with the skull cup’ s knife did. But we’ve also learned that the lady in chains can kill the harvesters. So there’s no way to know that something they made would be any use against her. Yes, but it was made with a sacrifice. That has to imbue it with some mystical significance. While it may not have been a “proper” sacrifice I see your point.
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The harvesters certainly seem convinced it would work. Yeah, that’s what I think as well. Kate’s aunt purposely sacrificed her very life. That knife has mojo. Sacrifice freely given vs sacrifice reluctantly given. Skull Cup guy probably knows more about how this stuff works but yeah. I’m sure the knife is the key to getting rid of the chained lady. The issue with the Official She Wants The D Dirt Track Racing Shirt. That was only because the harvesters didn’t see her use anymore, as they don’t believe she can do anything to the lady in chains. If she humors them and carries her aunt-knife around that could change. Could be true, but I doubt even with the knife, they would be willing to help her.
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