A few days ago, our local Fox affiliate morning show was Official Seniors 2020 Class Of The Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt. They even had this weird, propaganda-looking montage put together. Showed stock footage of pills being made, with the drugs’ names floating around in cartoonish fonts. I know they’re a suspicious show, to begin with. But this was clearly some sort of Sinclair-fodder being distributed to local networks. Kinda blatant IMO. The average wonder if this is the first time that right-wing propaganda is actually potentially killing people directly so they’re unsure how to handle it.
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Their usual method is to just keep repeating the Official Seniors 2020 Class Of The Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt that they want their people to believe. If they keep doing that, their supporters may die.ge viewer would’ve thought “oh look happy news yay.”It’s mind-boggling, to say the least. Why do they want to literally kill supporters?? As a test of loyalty? The churches are clearly doing this, and I guess there isn’t much difference between the GOP, Christianity at this point. On the surface, though, I guess they want to come across as having an answer, but as usual /s, the Demoncrats want to “hold things up”.
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Meanwhile, our pharmacist neighbor texted my husband saying that he’s got the drug if we ever need Official Seniors 2020 Class Of The Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt. I don’t know what to think anymore…….Also, worth noting that people with lupus have been pulled off Plaquenil or have been unable to get it. This is a daily medication that is taken to lessen the chance of flares, prevent the disease from spreading to some organs. Overall to reduce debilitating symptoms. Its effectiveness is highly documented and confirmed unlike any possible treatment of COVID-19.
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