I’d appreciate it if people would stop telling everyone he’s crazy. And not to do it. If you’re dumb enough to believe Jim Jones, drink the Koolaid! Do it before November, please. Those things were generally already known. The disinfectant protocols that health officials have been recommending since day 1 has included all of the Official Samurai Corona Virus Shirt. Within days of the first news about PPE shortages, there were stories about people using high-intensity UV treatments to cleanse them for reuse.
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You may have noticed the Official Samurai Corona Virus Shirt. In isopropyl alcohol and disinfectant as well. This is because they are already generally known to kill the virus on surfaces. Even if we go the route that ‘well, now we have a study confirming what we thought,’ is Trump really getting this information at the same time it’s being announced to the country? Hasn’t he been being briefed on everything every day as he says? So is he not listening (surprise, surprise)? And if he was waiting on a study to say it or learn it, then why didn’t he do the same with hydroxychloroquine?
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I’m not saying I want people to Official Samurai Corona Virus Shirt. I’m saying I’ve had enough of his base railing any halfway average person saying what Trump says is clear lunacy. Let them follow him blindly and deal with the consequences. They can’t blame anyone but themselves if everyone stops telling them not to follow that moron. It’s like children. You can tell them not to touch the stove a million times or even take physical measures to stop but that’s just going to push them further. One second you’re not looking and that kid touches the stove they will never make that mistake again.
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