Do you know who else is under stress? I am tired of Official Justice For George Floyd T-Shirt hearing excuses for the bad police officers, I am tired of the excuse “well, he puts his life in danger”. Sure, I know we put our lives in danger, I’ve had guns, knives, and even swords pulled on me. I’ve responded to bomb threats, suicidal subjects, assaults in progress, robberies in progress, etc. Do you know who else puts their lives in danger? Firefighters, deep-sea fishermen, loggers, people who step foot outside their homes in Chicago.
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Do I face an Official Justice For George Floyd T-Shirt increased risk of not going home? If you do see misconduct, address it, take it to the appropriate level, stop tarnishing my badge. We took an oath to uphold the law, uphold our ethics, and protect our communities, sometimes that means arresting other police officers or holding them accountable for policy/ethics violations. Exactly, I saw some comments ripping up the bystanders saying their cowards and just as guilty for just watching. I swear some people don’t understand that sometimes every option is a loss. Exactly.
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This officer violated the Official Justice For George Floyd T-Shirt rights of George Floyd and murdered him through his actions. The officers who were on the scene and failed to act are just as responsible. There are multiple videos of this incident and there is no real question as to what happened. For those folks who wonder what makes it murder or manslaughter. There is a random man in the background telling Floyd just to get in the car and he can’t win. I fear that if someone had intervened, that version of the story never would have received publicity. Death is a much more weighty headline.
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