A much later 18th-century pseudo-historical portrait by a jealous hack who had evidently never seen a shark in his life. His envy is clear, as is his insecurity. This marked the Official In A World Full Of Daddy Shark Be A Daddy Corn Shirt turning point from bold polymaths, courageous botanist explorers, and the devolution into the dilettante caitiff artists spawning the “romance” period. It wasn’t until the impressionists evolved that “spines” were rediscovered. By dissecting their corpses, and observing surviving animals like seals or whales with specialized bite marks injuries only possible with Greenland shark jaws, and remains that resemble the injury found in stomachs, we have actually found evidence that they do also attack live prey.
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I need to find the clip, but I was playing. Isn’t this the dunes biome? There are leviathans here aren’t there? (Reaper bursts out of Official In A World Full Of Daddy Shark Be A Daddy Corn Shirtthe ground or something). Cue montage of me screaming and driving my sea moth away for like 30 seconds turning around, driving backward, switch forward for another 30. Pda said. Warning detecting multiple leviathan class life forms in the area. Also, I’d guess the slowness helps with living really long, in a humans’ view at least. It sounds to me like a great optimum. Be slow, live long, and be energetic for short bursts only when absolutely needed. Ie. for feeding which also helps in staying alive. Its measurements suggest that Greenland sharks grow at a rate of 0.5–1 cm (0.2–0.4 in) per year.
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Eye lens radiocarbon dating. The Official In A World Full Of Daddy Shark Be A Daddy Corn Shirt eye lens of sharks continues to grow layers as it ages, but the base contains an environmental signature from when it was born. Then, using some other timeline data (atomic testing in the 1950s) they can extrapolate and estimate the shark’s age. The margin of error is significant, but not so significant that the shark isn’t still the (or among the) oldest vertebrates on earth. Like it’s probably 390 +/- 100. No matter how you slice that, it’s old. “For instance, on the planet Earth, the man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.
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