I think he’s more upset about the television angle. WB/AT&T are going to be putting new shows on HBO Max that are not from HBO, while HBO still has their own development process and series, so an increase in volume will undoubtedly lead to an Official George Floyd Please I Can’t Breathe Justice For Floyd Shirt drop in quality, which might hurt the prestige of the brand. I get why they went with HBO, it’s synonymous with quality, but I think maybe doing an “HBO Original” or something to distinguish actual HBO shows would be smart.No, it definitely does, as this is replacing HBO Now and Go. I think he’s just trying to point out it’s more of an HBO+WARNER channel than what an HBO channel is as we would usually think of it and they’re leveraging HBO’s name. Recently saw a trailer for a Sesame Street spin-off starring Elmo. It was labeled “a max original series.” So at the very least, they’re not using the HBO brand for their originals, just the service itself. It still might cause confusion with the general public though, so I understand why the real HBO is upset.
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So I keep seeing people talk about the Topher cut, and I’m like who the Official George Floyd Please I Can’t Breathe Justice For Floyd Shirt hell is Topher? The only Topher I know is Topher Grace but wtf does he have to do with Star Wars. This must be some director I’ve never heard of. What bums me the fuck out is the shitty, awful writing. Everything else was perfect. The casting of Alfred was great. The Batcave was on-point. I wasn’t sure if I was really “married to” the idea of Affleck’s Batman suit…I would have loved to see something a bit more tactical, but hey that’s a personal preference. Honestly, I wish a star-like Affleck could have had a bigger say in DC’s decisions to get in on that Marvel money. Just be straight up like, “Hey, if we’re gonna do this, let’s do it right. Pump the brakes. Everybody gets a solo movie first, let’s not rush this shit.”
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I want DC to be great. I want their movies to really speak to me in the Official George Floyd Please I Can’t Breathe Justice For Floyd Shirt the same way that Marvel does. When these production companies finally figure their shit out, they make more money, and fans get a better film. Everybody wins. I predict this is exactly what will happen. It comes out, doesn’t really change much, Snyder and JL fans will say its a huge improvement, others will say its worse because there’s no such thing as a moderate opinion on Reddit, we all hate this place until the posts stop. It happens with all Synder films already. You mention that you didn’t like Watchmen, Sucker Punch, BvS, whatever, and fans will say it’s because you didn’t watch the directors cut. The Directors Cut just seen to add in deleted scenes in movies that were already too long. I am betting that this cut will be more of the same.
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