I just want to let you know that this is actually really dangerous. I saw something similar when I was driving the Official Corgi 2020 The Year When Shit Real Got Real Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt. A guy was walking around with a tiny sleeping puppy on his chest. I nearly drove into the curb because I was so distracted. You are going to cause accidents being in public like this because it is too cute and people will have heart attacks and die from the cute. It was sometime in the last January.
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The assignment was that we were given a series of photos with no context. And had to write as many questions as we can about the Official Corgi 2020 The Year When Shit Real Got Real Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt. (there was a particular name for the assignment but I forgot). One of the photos was a man (who I assume is you) on a subway with a corgi overlooking his shoulder. I remember one of the questions asked. A classmate was something along the lines of “What would the owner do if the dog pissed on him?”.
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I got one for my dog and she HATES it. Getting her in is an absolute pain (even with treats). And she can wriggle her little arms out. I used to take her with me on quick trips to the farmer’s market that way. But after her getting too smart for the Official Corgi 2020 The Year When Shit Real Got Real Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt. I decided to stop using it for fear of her injuring herself. It is a great concept, though! I was about to comment on something about you stealing from madmax_fluffyroad on Instagram. But checked your profile and saw you’re actually him. so instead, thank you!
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