I just wanted to add this happened 2 months ago on March 13. We’re only finding out about it now. I found out about this an Official Beer Go Outside Worst Case Scenario A Bear Kills You Shirt week ago and have been sharing it all over social media hoping it’ll be viral like Arbery’s murder. Breonna was an EMT and was working in two hospitals during the pandemic. Her life was ended out of nowhere because of some trigger happy officers who broke into her own house for no reason. As a black woman, this terrifies me. It’s worse than that. They didn’t think they committed any crimes. They KNEW they didn’t. And THEN these men, in plain clothes went to this house. This was either a planned murder or a murder the police are trying to cover up. I feel like I can accept that some cops are just complete idiots bc that’s how chances work. They just seem to do everything possible and deny, deny, deny. It doesn’t seem that hard
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Thank you for getting news out so they can’t just erase the Official Beer Go Outside Worst Case Scenario A Bear Kills You Shirt record every time they murder someone and we find out about it. Even if cops get fired they can and do just move and get hired in a new area, there isn’t a strict license requirement or something like even a massage therapist has to satisfy. The entire institution of American policing is rotten. The Chief promised he would release the results of their internal investigation of the narcotics unit as a show of transparency and earning back the public trust. He has since gone as far as getting lawyers to block the release of anything to do with the investigation, and gone on the offensive, criticizing local DAs, judges, sheriffs, and anyone else for… setting bail too low for his taste in… A handful of cases.
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” … Louisville Metro Police Department executed an Official Beer Go Outside Worst Case Scenario A Bear Kills You Shirt search warrant at the wrong home, the suit states. Looking for someone who was already in custody and prompted a gunfight where they shot up the house indiscriminately (another quote said bullets were food in pretty much every room). It’s crazy that stuff like this happens. Like, don’t you double-check an address 100x before you bust in? Wouldnt you radio in before going? You forgot to vilify the victims to make them look guilty. You know how they love to bring up a guy’s past record of shoplifting to justify murdering him. Shit, I used to watch a ton of “Dog the Bounty Hunter” before all the racist stuff came out. Even he would call the precincts before making a move on someone to make sure it was still legit. Surely the police have a higher standard than mulleted bounty hunters.
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