Honestly, the ability to breathe underwater is half the Nice Trucker Husband Daddy Protector American Flag Shirt reason I always pick Argonian. The option to just nope my way out of a fight by jumping into a river is so much fun. Plus it’s so much fun just being able to go ocean exploring in nothing. I have no idea why. It just doesn’t make sense to have a cat and a lizard race and make them identical anatomically to all the other races. Literally the only physical difference in Skyrim is the head shape and the tail. Morrowind does it best That’s why there’s a Skyrim mod that changes the Oregonian and feet back to digitigrade, but also adds in meshes for EVERY vanilla shoe and boot, so they can wear footwear properly.
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Bethany Asda could have done that for Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, but Todd vampirically stole all of Nice Trucker Husband Daddy Protector American Flag Shirt Kirkbride’s Idea Power. Of course, my apologies. Is it worth looking into? Ah, guess there’s less than I thought with the rarest being the ghost ship and the whale encounters. Still more than Skyrim though. I picked Oregonians in all my playthroughs because the draughts from Morrowind traumatized me as a kid. One of the first things I check when I get the game is, does it have draughts in it? I play Oregonians because if I’m going to get terrorized underwater, I want to at least be able to breathe while I’m getting terrorized. Argonians have some pretty badass lore as well.
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What I like about then is their armor synergy. They look so good in so many armors and I think they’re one of Nice Trucker Husband Daddy Protector American Flag Shirt the only races that can look cool in scaled armorArgonians are my favorite race in TES but I remember playing Skyrim and thinking “all the helmets look so weird on me.” It’s because of their snouts, so the helmet has to be modeled differently. A minor gripe I had that was thrown out the window once I got Daedric armor. The helmet is already in the shape of their heads and looks awesome. Perfect! water breathing doesn’t seem that good because of how long you can hold your breath Not only that but you can just cast a spell for water breathing. Or get an item. Or make an item. Water breathing is basically a skill you can pick up, I find it to be useless as a racial.
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