I often think about this kind of thing with Nice Samuell Jackson 6 Feet Motherfucker Social Distancing Shirt. Wherewith CGI they can make any kind of scene happen, with or without real sets or actors, if the budget allows. Lower budgets and smarter people can result in better movies. I watched both Temple of Doom and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation today, and in both cases, they’re kind of cartoony and unbelievable, but they’ve made a bit more believable because of the constraints of technology and budget of the time.
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There are physical real-world limitations that cause even the cartoony aspects to have a sense of Nice Samuell Jackson 6 Feet Motherfucker Social Distancing Shirt. Compare to Crystal Skull and the more recent National Lampoons movie. Where they just CGI the fuck out of things, without such limitations. And it degrades the quality of it (not that Temple of Doom is that great anyway). So many films are like this now, where they just CGI the impossible and it just craps everything up. Because it takes out a balancing constraint for them to be creative around.
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An excellent example of Nice Samuell Jackson 6 Feet Motherfucker Social Distancing Shirt. The first Die Hard had to be inventive and incorporated the constraint of their budget. Which forced them to film on a real construction site inside the building, into the film, which makes it look more organic. While later Die Hard films had huge budgets and lost their sense of realism. Becoming the very kind of action films they originally were breaking the mold of. Nolan tends to prefer more practical sets instead of CGI. He’s one of the few modern-day directors that do movies right.
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