In metal gear solid there was a Nice Never Underestimate A Lady Who Loves Camping And Was Born In February Shirt boss, Psycho Mantis, who could psychically react to and block every move you made unless you switch your controller to the second player input. It was a pretty cool boss mechanic. He does successfully vibrate it and even uses the different motors to make it move in different directions. He cannot, however, read your memory since the PS3 moved to internal memory from memory cards, leaving no card left to read. Does he diss your saves? I could’ve sworn all he said was something like, “You like the Legend of Zelda, don’t you? Then I thought, wait…it’s just reading my memory card, isn’t it?
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I think even game overs you so you’re like “oh, one of these ‘have to lose to continue bosses’”, but no, you have to beat him. And you get these Fake TV screen input malfunctions that will make a Nice Never Underestimate A Lady Who Loves Camping And Was Born In February Shirt kid from the 90s squirm, then you realize Psycho Mantis’s gibberish is directed through the 4th wall and it’s very disturbing. I hesitantly switch controller slots like “am I stupid? This can’t be right “ So anyway, thanks for reminding me about that shit, I’m going to it for my kids asap The other comments are right that you can technically best him with brute force, but the real backup was after dying enough times, your crew will ask if your second port is broken.
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Truly GOAT, and will continue to stand the test of Nice Never Underestimate A Lady Who Loves Camping And Was Born In February Shirt time. This is referencing a boss from Metal Gear Solid on the PS1. The boss, psycho mantis, can evade all of your attacks by reading your mind… until you plug the controller into the 2nd port. Groundbreaking and creative meta mechanic, even to today’s standards. Not ALL your attacks. I’m no Lobos Jr with infinite patience, sadly…but it should theoretically be possible to kill him this way. There was a boss from Metal Gear Solid, Psycho Mantis, dressed in a similar manner. The entire Metal Gear series does a lot of 4th wall breaking. 13 year old me believed it and immediately turned the system off in a panic.
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