OK, folks, let me explain this, once again.. Trademark and copyright are two different things. You copyright works of art, but you trademark the names, logos, and Nice Mickey Mouse 5th Grade Class Of 2020 Quarantined Vintage Shirt of and for brands that can and do include characters. Copyrights have definite dates of expiration (in the US it’s the life of the author, plus 75 years. There’s a different regimen for works for hire and pseudonymous works). Trademarks last indefinitely so long as they’re renewed. Namor the Submariner is already in the public domain.
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Because Marvel’s first Namor story was just a reprint of the origin story already published by Nice Mickey Mouse 5th Grade Class Of 2020 Quarantined Vintage Shirt. When they owned the character. All subsequent Marvel comics featuring Namor are considered derivative works. While Marvel owns all the Namor stories that were written by Marvel writers. They do not now nor have they ever owned the Submariner himself. DreamWorks owns the rights to Felix the Cat. A great comparison. While Felix debuted in 1919 only the pre-1925 works are public domain. The same interplay between copyright terms, a long-lived character and trademarks are all in play.
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