So since I haven’t seen any comments about Egypt yet, here goes nothing. I’m proud of how people help each other. It’s just a Nice I’m A Proud Mom Of A Freaking Awesome Environmental Geologist Shirt very social country. I can just call across the street to my friend and he’ll be down in 30secs. Even if all the government operations aren’t effective, we still survive. Yeah, Mexicans are way generous, even to total strangers, it’s amazing. My grandfather always instilled in me growing up that you always share your food with others. Anyway, having stayed with a French family for about a month it was a total culture shock. Granted Americans eat so damn much. Another Canadian here. I’m also proud of our international reputation.
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I have a Nice I’m A Proud Mom Of A Freaking Awesome Environmental Geologist Shirt story that proves their generosity. Years ago I worked for Aaron’s furniture rental. I get to the house and it’s a trailer park. Knock on the door and I interrupt a Hispanic family in the middle of dinner. Anyhow, I load up and the man is signing the paperwork and the woman brings me a foil-covered plate of their dinner. I come on a weeknight, interrupt dinner, and repossess their shit and they give me an amazing plate of food to take home. Damn near made me cry. It also made me really hate my job. My Mama ALWAYS reminds me that Marie Curie is Polish, a fact I’ve known and remembered since the first time she told me when I was a young child. Nowadays I like to mess with her a little whenever Curie comes up: “Oh are you talking about the French physicist Marie Curie?”. The look on her face right before she remembers I’m just goofing around is always priceless.
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Don’t forget the music. Countless wars and not exist on any map for such a long time would be the Nice I’m A Proud Mom Of A Freaking Awesome Environmental Geologist Shirt end to most countries but Poland endured. But I’m even more impressed by how the Poles were the ones who started the fall of communism I once accidentally made a queue in the cinema, me and two friends were super early and were waiting near the door to go in. After a few minutes, we notice people gathering behind us and after a few minutes, more people arrived. Eventually, our queue got so big the staff came over to us and asked us to move as it was getting in the way (it went all the way back to the lobby). So we all had to shuffle over to the proper place to queue. Everyone obediently followed our lead. It was a magical thing. I attended an event with about 20,000 people going through 8 doors and everyone was really polite about keeping their line. It felt super British.
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