Johan is in a local bar. Outside, the Nice I Was Not Born America Was Born On My Land I Am America Shirt rain begins to fall harder, the wind gusting. He has been in Jerko Town for 3 days to seek a wooden house where made him go here by the earliest flight on Monday morning. However, all the locals he has ever met here, have no idea about that place. ..In February, and another one in March. Still waiting on them. May not order again. 4 months seems a bit excessive especially since they are peddling more keycaps.47 Which is a prime number, and supposed to be one of the most “uncommon” numbers to see in general. The number itself has a cult following thanks to the production and cast of Star Trek (TNG), who planted the number frequently at random locations in the show
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You’ve got it backward, 47 is the MOST common re-occurring number in the Nice I Was Not Born America Was Born On My Land I Am America Shirt universe since all numbers are equal to 47. It’s just a joke proof though. There’s an annoying culture to Pomona where any time someone sees 47 you will hear them shout it out…Just because I have high standards for cleanliness and organization does not mean you are excused from being responsible for cleanliness and organization. And for fuck’s sake, NO I won’t make you a little chore chart so you know what and when to complete household duties. We are partners. I’m not your god damn mother! Am I the only one who is struggling with this shit? How do I break out of it?
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This question is pure genius. It’s not about equal work because sometimes both partners think they are doing more. It’s about “me” time and rest!! Thank you for that perspective! They add up to the Nice I Was Not Born America Was Born On My Land I Am America Shirt the same amount of time ‘off’ but they are hardly equal. Chore ownership has worked out well for us, too. My wife prefers to go on a cleaning binge once per week where we deep clean everything. When we moved in together, I struggled to do my parts of that job to a standard she was happy with. At the same time, her dishes would pile in the sink until cleaning day, which drove me crazy, she didn’t pay any of her bills on time, hated yard work, etc.
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