“Strange New Worlds” even implies a Nice Grandpa Ethan Besties Since 2018 Vintage Shirt returns to a somewhat more traditional Trek format! Hella exciting.Yeah. Most shows I was watching back in the day had 20-30 episodes. Yeah, there’s definitely a problem when you get like supernatural which would have 28 episodes but 12-18 are filler or filler light, but on the opposite end sometimes you want to see how a massive change develops realistically in a characters life and it seems less real without them spending some time in that new headspace as the transition happens.
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Now often (tho not every time) its a Nice Grandpa Ethan Besties Since 2018 Vintage Shirt very binary experience with growth where the character will fight it very hard and then in a blink, they’re new and changed. I honestly would love a year-round format and a return to 20+ episodes a season. I HATE getting strung along for 10 shockingly short episodes and then waiting a year and a half to see the next season, constantly wondering if it was canceled because it’s taking so long. Definitely! I was getting tired of everything in the universe devolving into just war with everyone and everything. I don’t believe there will ever be space wars or battles in the future. These new shows deal with new issues we face today and reflect that.”
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But to me, the Nice Grandpa Ethan Besties Since 2018 Vintage Shirt whole point of Star Trek was to show that it could be better. That we could be better. There was a shit load of racism in the 70s but the Enterprise had a multiracial crew with mutual respect. I like new Trek for what it is, but I also want this one to be different. It also had many episodes that confronted racism and xenophobic views head-on. Anyone who says that has a wildly narrow view of Trek. TOS is hugely and obviously in your face with racism, politics, cultism, lack of critical thinking, etc. It also had many episodes that confronted racism and xenophobic views head-on. Sure, TOS was multiracial, but some of its crew displayed racism towards other species at various points. Some shows have been better at that balance than others.
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